Hotel & Restaurant Advisory

Hotel & Restaurant Advisory

Hotel & Restaurant Advisory

The Problem

A cluster of function halls in a 3 storey building had 7500 sqft of terrace lying unused. The management wished to commercialize the unused real estate

SM Solution

SM Proposed the idea of an 'Al Fresco Dinner Experience'.

SM carried out the following exercises:

  1. Identified the right positioning and concept with a strong differentiator to stand apart from the local competition. The right concept was chosen based on the findings of the consumer research organized to evaluate the appeal of the alternative concepts
  2. Developed a three year working business plan
  3. Identified & Designed a unique menu based on the differentiator. In-depth research was conducted to select the authentic cuisine and recipes
  4. Complete set-up of the Kitchen and Restaurant areas was done
  5. Assistance was provided in staff recruitment
  6. Complete training module for Kitchen and Service staff was designed and imparted.
  7. Helped create positive ‘moments of truth’ for the patrons by formalizing service Sequence & SOPs
  8. Performance monitoring and hand holding was done through the entire launch phase