Planned migration of a declining business into a sunrise industry

Planned migration of a declining business into a sunrise industry

Planned migration of a declining business into a sunrise industry

The Problem

A 20 year old mid-sized EPC company approached SM for a strategy to arrest the continuous fall in the business.

SM Solution

A thorough SWOT of the industry as well as the company by SM revealed that that the situation was only going to get tougher with time. The candid recommendation of SM was to stop hoping for a miracle in the current business.

SM, however, identified a hidden strength and opportunity - Possession of a Fire Audit License. SM recommended switching the focus from B2B to B2C segment in the sunrise field of Fire Protection. SM developed a complete strategy package for the Client. The key features of the strategy were

  1. A completely new Corporate Identity including the new Brand name
  2. Detailed Strategy and Business Plan
  3. Appointment of the right agencies on behalf of the Client
  4. Development of new sales model: Helped recruit and mentor new sales team
  5. Development of complete communication strategy including events
  6. Innovative tie-up with the Fire Department

With the encouraging response received for the diversified business, the Client is now planning to migrate the mother company under the new brand.